first and foremost, i would like to talk about the brand that my group chose - MARC JACOBS.
we chose this brand because of no particular reasons, and at first, we thought that MJ chose colors based on no particular reasons, but his own preference at the moment. however, as our analysis went on, we discovered the particular historical reasons and trends behind the color he used. after all, a talented designer cannot/ do not match color just because of basic instinct all the time.
as we learnt in the lectures before, the matching of colors in analogous , complementary ...etc, would explain some of the color matching method, but when we tried to use all of these thoery to explain all the costume color matching, we got stuck in the middle. after being explained by our lecturer and other sources, we found that it was much related to the matching of saturation, tone etc, or due to the historical , political and psychological effect that make a costume harmonious and beautiful to the people of the decade. ( the historical background taught in the lecture made me realise why MJ often use purple, which symbolize luxury, in his collection.)
in our common knowledge, it seems that it is not good matching red and green together( like a xmas tree) and it may not be a good idea to dress in one color. nevertheless, after trials of different color matching, altering the lightness, tone and saturation can change it to a different perception, and different color of the same hue creates layering, which is a surprising discovery for a beginner in color study. Marc Jacobs is very good at the matching skill mentioned above- he matched colors which people think they do not match normally. my understanding towards harmony in color matching by actually, practicing. painting different colors on the same costume provided me with different ideas in color matching. sometimes, by accident a new harmony was created, and when i tried to analyze the harmony by the color wheel, it can often be explained by the established theories. therefore, from the theory there are still indefinite possibilities of harmonious combination to be created.
for my Marc Jacobs collection, i have picked six main colors to generate my impression towards MJ: trendy, innovative , yet feminine. the six main colors are crimson, metallic blue, khaki, brown, lavender and turquoise. these are the colors that MJ often used in his past collections.also, as i mentioned in the conclusion of group project before, MJ often reuses the hue in the spring/summer collection for his fall/winter collection. i particularly want to mention the metallic blue. i chose this because MJ likes to use metallic colors in some costume during Fall/winter collection these years. i tried to match the colors which fits the feelings of his usual way in some costume, while use the same hues to match in a quite different way in the others. i tried to generate a new feeling while preserving the style of trendy femininity. i tried to used less achromatic colors in the collection to maximize the possible of color matching. apart from the main colors , some supporting colors, like orange, were used. the collection aimed to give a modern and elegant feeling of woman.
it was a nice experience trying to creating a collection and matching all the color of them. it will be quite useful for my future study and my career. after from all the homework and classwork, i have found that it would be important to learn from other designers' color matching skill from observing and analyzing. by repeated practice, i will be able to do the color matching harmoniously in my own style.
Feeling **
16 年前